HRH The Crown Prince Mohamed Ali of Egypt is this months profile. Here feature togehther with his father HM King Fouad II at the Gstaad Palace during the New Years Music Festival.

GstaadLife 6 | Editorial

Summer's not over yet! September is here, and it’s easy to think that summer in Saanenland is winding down. But let’s not be too hasty in declaring the season over. If anything, these final weeks offer a vibrant opportunity to explore the countryside and make the most of our unique regi ...
HRH The Crown Prince Mohamed Ali of Egypt is this months profile. Here feature togehther with his father HM King Fouad II at the Gstaad Palace during the New Years Music Festival.

GstaadLife 6 | Editorial

Summer's not over yet! September is here, and it’s easy to think that summer in Saanenland is winding down. But let’s not be too hasty in declaring the season over. If anything, these final weeks offer a vibrant opportunity to explore the countryside and make the most of our unique regi ...

GstaadLife 5 | Editorial

Coming together! As we bask in the afterglow of the EFG Swiss Open Gstaad, it’s clear that sports have a unique power to bring us together. This month’s theme, “Coming Together”, celebrates the connections we forge through sports and community initiatives.

GstaadLife 5 | Editorial

Coming together! As we bask in the afterglow of the EFG Swiss Open Gstaad, it’s clear that sports have a unique power to bring us together. This month’s theme, “Coming Together”, celebrates the connections we forge through sports and community initiatives.

Marlise Annen from Lauren in conversation with GstaadLife about her relationship with nature | Photo: Sven Pieren

GstaadLife 4 | Editorial

As summer starts to unfold in Saanenland, this issue brings tales of transformation and new beginnings. In this month’s editorial, I highlight three extraordinary individuals who have switched paths, inspiringly redefining their lives and careers.

Marlise Annen from Lauren in conversation with GstaadLife about her relationship with nature | Photo: Sven Pieren

GstaadLife 4 | Editorial

As summer starts to unfold in Saanenland, this issue brings tales of transformation and new beginnings. In this month’s editorial, I highlight three extraordinary individuals who have switched paths, inspiringly redefining their lives and careers.

GstaadLife 3 | Editorial

As the rain tapped persistently on the windows and clouds lingered over Saanenland, the past month has seen many of us indoors, watching the French Open on TV and engaging in countless discussions on the balcony, hoping for a glimpse of sunshine. The weather may have kept us from our usual outdoor activities, ...

GstaadLife 3 | Editorial

As the rain tapped persistently on the windows and clouds lingered over Saanenland, the past month has seen many of us indoors, watching the French Open on TV and engaging in countless discussions on the balcony, hoping for a glimpse of sunshine. The weather may have kept us from our usual outdoor activities, ...

GstaadLife 2 | Editorial

High altitude art - When bidding adieu to another interesting winter season in Gstaad, it's impossible not to reflect on the vibrant tapestry of art that has adorned our slopes and galleries. While skiing may always be at the heart of Gstaad's allure, this season has proven that our alpine paradise ...

GstaadLife 2 | Editorial

High altitude art - When bidding adieu to another interesting winter season in Gstaad, it's impossible not to reflect on the vibrant tapestry of art that has adorned our slopes and galleries. While skiing may always be at the heart of Gstaad's allure, this season has proven that our alpine paradise ...

GstaadLife 1 | Editorial

A Family Reflection - As I sit down to share some thoughts for the first edition of 2024, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of connection to the stories we have in store for you.
Our exclusive (and very personal) interview with Jean-Michel Barbey is like a journey through time and family ties ...

GstaadLife 1 | Editorial

A Family Reflection - As I sit down to share some thoughts for the first edition of 2024, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of connection to the stories we have in store for you.
Our exclusive (and very personal) interview with Jean-Michel Barbey is like a journey through time and family ties ...

GstaadLife No 8 | Editorial

Take your pleasure seriously... As we usher into the new year, the words of Charles Eames resonate: “Take your pleasure seriously.” In many a creation of Eames, I find a daily source of joy and a reminder to approach life with a serious commitment to material and philosophical pleasure. ...

GstaadLife No 8 | Editorial

Take your pleasure seriously... As we usher into the new year, the words of Charles Eames resonate: “Take your pleasure seriously.” In many a creation of Eames, I find a daily source of joy and a reminder to approach life with a serious commitment to material and philosophical pleasure. ...

GstaadLife No 7 | Editorial

May your days be marry and bright. Soon comes the festive season – time to wind down and spend merry days with family and friends. Arriving at Christmas pace can take time – the older I get, the longer it takes me to arrive in Christmas mode.

GstaadLife No 7 | Editorial

May your days be marry and bright. Soon comes the festive season – time to wind down and spend merry days with family and friends. Arriving at Christmas pace can take time – the older I get, the longer it takes me to arrive in Christmas mode.

GstaadLife No 6 | Editorial

The change of season
The traditional descent of the cows from their summer mountain pastures marks the onset of autumn, a time that stirs emotions within me. It not only signifies the conclusion of summer but also heralds my favourite season: Autumn. This is the time of vibrant hues, lengthening shadows, ...

GstaadLife No 6 | Editorial

The change of season
The traditional descent of the cows from their summer mountain pastures marks the onset of autumn, a time that stirs emotions within me. It not only signifies the conclusion of summer but also heralds my favourite season: Autumn. This is the time of vibrant hues, lengthening shadows, ...

Born the same year as the late painter Balthus, Henri Cartier-Bresson and his second wife, Martine Franck, were not only exceptional photographers but Gstaad habitués and close friends of Countess Setsuko. Both Cartier-Bresson and Franck honoured the Countess with a portrait: his graces the front cover of this issue. ©Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson/Magnum Photos.

GstaadLife No 5 | Editorial

In this issue, we are honoured to feature two remarkable women who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of artistic excellence: pianist Alice Sara Ott and painter/sculptor Setsuko. Both have roots in Japan but have also embraced the influences of other cultures and traditions. Both have faced challenges ...
Born the same year as the late painter Balthus, Henri Cartier-Bresson and his second wife, Martine Franck, were not only exceptional photographers but Gstaad habitués and close friends of Countess Setsuko. Both Cartier-Bresson and Franck honoured the Countess with a portrait: his graces the front cover of this issue. ©Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson/Magnum Photos.

GstaadLife No 5 | Editorial

In this issue, we are honoured to feature two remarkable women who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of artistic excellence: pianist Alice Sara Ott and painter/sculptor Setsuko. Both have roots in Japan but have also embraced the influences of other cultures and traditions. Both have faced challenges ...

Sandro Reuteler is featured in our profile interview in this months issue of GstaadLife

GstaadLife No 4 | Editorial

Oh joyous tradition Every year there is more than a full page of congratulations in the “Anzeiger von Saanen”, addressed to the young and motivated people who - with determination and hard work - have passed their professional exams and made the leap from apprentice to recognised professional. ...
Sandro Reuteler is featured in our profile interview in this months issue of GstaadLife

GstaadLife No 4 | Editorial

Oh joyous tradition Every year there is more than a full page of congratulations in the “Anzeiger von Saanen”, addressed to the young and motivated people who - with determination and hard work - have passed their professional exams and made the leap from apprentice to recognised professional. ...

GstaadLife No 3 | Editorial

Embrace the summer vibes: books, sports and mountain spirit

GstaadLife No 3 | Editorial

Embrace the summer vibes: books, sports and mountain spirit

GstaadLife No 2 | Editorial

A journey through art and nature
As we enter the month of love, the picturesque valley of Saanenland beckons us to indulge in its breathtaking beauty and rich cultural heri-tage. The winter wonderland that surrounds us is a canvas in itself, showcasing the magnificent artistry of nature. And, as we ...

GstaadLife No 2 | Editorial

A journey through art and nature
As we enter the month of love, the picturesque valley of Saanenland beckons us to indulge in its breathtaking beauty and rich cultural heri-tage. The winter wonderland that surrounds us is a canvas in itself, showcasing the magnificent artistry of nature. And, as we ...

Last issue of the season

Only 1 week to go before the last issue of the winter season is out in the newsstands on Friday the 17/2.
Get your own subscription and receive the magazine at home or stay updated via our online platform - it's less than 1 CHF a week.

Last issue of the season

Only 1 week to go before the last issue of the winter season is out in the newsstands on Friday the 17/2.
Get your own subscription and receive the magazine at home or stay updated via our online platform - it's less than 1 CHF a week.

Issue 1 | 2023 Editorial

Just the facts, please.
As I write this editor’s column, the snow has been falling the whole day, and the hysteria of the false snow dumping story from last year seems long gone. A storm in a glass of water, we labelled it, that with time hardly will be a bleep on the news radar. Nevertheless, ...

Issue 1 | 2023 Editorial

Just the facts, please.
As I write this editor’s column, the snow has been falling the whole day, and the hysteria of the false snow dumping story from last year seems long gone. A storm in a glass of water, we labelled it, that with time hardly will be a bleep on the news radar. Nevertheless, ...

Bernard Piguet is on the cover of the New Years issue, interviewed by Alan Ipekian

Issue 8 | 2022 Editorial

Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder.
Someone recently reminded me of this quote, mainly because we disagreed on it. Not on the quote itself but on the beauty in question. How do you measure beauty?

Bernard Piguet is on the cover of the New Years issue, interviewed by Alan Ipekian

Issue 8 | 2022 Editorial

Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder.
Someone recently reminded me of this quote, mainly because we disagreed on it. Not on the quote itself but on the beauty in question. How do you measure beauty?

Issue 7 | 2022 Editorial

It is the most wonderful time of the year!
For the third year now, as soon as the first snow falls, I pinch myself and once more rejoice – we do live in a winter wonderland and as we are “locals”, we have no return ticket end of the weekend!

Issue 7 | 2022 Editorial

It is the most wonderful time of the year!
For the third year now, as soon as the first snow falls, I pinch myself and once more rejoice – we do live in a winter wonderland and as we are “locals”, we have no return ticket end of the weekend!

GstaadLife No 6 | Editorial

The little (i) in online!
One of the great joys of having my job is the large number of people I get to meet and the even larger amounts of information I must choose from when selecting material for each print issue.

GstaadLife No 6 | Editorial

The little (i) in online!
One of the great joys of having my job is the large number of people I get to meet and the even larger amounts of information I must choose from when selecting material for each print issue.

GstaadLife No 5 | Editorial

Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?
It is said in Saaneland that summer has arrived when the glider planes are soaring high over the valley – and oh boy, what a summer it has been so far. These gentle giants glide so effortlessly that it brings out a childhood dream of mine – to fly high ...

GstaadLife No 5 | Editorial

Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?
It is said in Saaneland that summer has arrived when the glider planes are soaring high over the valley – and oh boy, what a summer it has been so far. These gentle giants glide so effortlessly that it brings out a childhood dream of mine – to fly high ...

Issue 4 | 2022 Editorial

Welcome back Summer!
As I am writing my first letter as the new editor-in-chief, I continue to be amazed at how much is going on in Saaneland in July.

Issue 4 | 2022 Editorial

Welcome back Summer!
As I am writing my first letter as the new editor-in-chief, I continue to be amazed at how much is going on in Saaneland in July.

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