Photograph: Benz Hauswirth

Preserving traditional craftmanship in Saanenland

The Rubi Fund, dedicated to preserving traditional craftsmanship, is celebrating its 45th anniversary with a special exhibition at the Museum Saanen. This exhibition showcases the fund’s work and honours its activities through photos, reports, and videos.

Photograph: Benz Hauswirth

Preserving traditional craftmanship in Saanenland

The Rubi Fund, dedicated to preserving traditional craftsmanship, is celebrating its 45th anniversary with a special exhibition at the Museum Saanen. This exhibition showcases the fund’s work and honours its activities through photos, reports, and videos.

All Images are courtesy of Gstaad Concert Hall Foundation

Gstaad Concert Hall: an overview

Gstaad is set to welcome a state-of-the-art Concert Hall and multi-purpose sports and cultural center, designed to replace the existing tennis hall and festival tent. This ambitious project aims to enhance the town’s facilities while preserving the balance between sports and cultural activities. ...
All Images are courtesy of Gstaad Concert Hall Foundation

Gstaad Concert Hall: an overview

Gstaad is set to welcome a state-of-the-art Concert Hall and multi-purpose sports and cultural center, designed to replace the existing tennis hall and festival tent. This ambitious project aims to enhance the town’s facilities while preserving the balance between sports and cultural activities. ...

What does your dream home look like

Your dream home should be about love, with attention to detail and a feeling for materials and proficiency. Our  chalet-building professionals are masters of their craft and use their tools skillfully. We will gladly assist you.

What does your dream home look like

Your dream home should be about love, with attention to detail and a feeling for materials and proficiency. Our  chalet-building professionals are masters of their craft and use their tools skillfully. We will gladly assist you.

Visualizations: Jaggi Architektur und Innenarchitektur/Snoehetta

These are the plans for the new Campus Village

Institut Le Rosey needs more space, and after a long planning phase and various projects, they have now found their location next to Gstaad railway station. The public consultation for the Campus Village is over, and mostly positive reactions have delighted the institute’s owners, Christophe and ...
Visualizations: Jaggi Architektur und Innenarchitektur/Snoehetta

These are the plans for the new Campus Village

Institut Le Rosey needs more space, and after a long planning phase and various projects, they have now found their location next to Gstaad railway station. The public consultation for the Campus Village is over, and mostly positive reactions have delighted the institute’s owners, Christophe and ...

Photograph: Courtesy of Palace Hotel

A centenary tribute to Robert Steffen: a cultural pioneer of Gstaad

As we commemorate the centenary of Robert Steffen’s passing in 2023, it’s time to shine a spotlight on a cultural hero whose legacy continues to shape the enchanting region of Gstaad. While we often reserve the title of “hero” for those who triumph in battles and wars, Steffen’s ...
Photograph: Courtesy of Palace Hotel

A centenary tribute to Robert Steffen: a cultural pioneer of Gstaad

As we commemorate the centenary of Robert Steffen’s passing in 2023, it’s time to shine a spotlight on a cultural hero whose legacy continues to shape the enchanting region of Gstaad. While we often reserve the title of “hero” for those who triumph in battles and wars, Steffen’s ...

Photographs courtesy of Glacier 3000

Restaurant Botta: The creation returns to its master

After the devastating fire that razed the Glacier 3000 restaurant last September, the time has come for its rebirth. Swiss architect Mario Botta, renowned for his innovative designs, will spearhead the reconstruction project set to commence this summer. The revamped building will prioritise an enhanced ...
Photographs courtesy of Glacier 3000

Restaurant Botta: The creation returns to its master

After the devastating fire that razed the Glacier 3000 restaurant last September, the time has come for its rebirth. Swiss architect Mario Botta, renowned for his innovative designs, will spearhead the reconstruction project set to commence this summer. The revamped building will prioritise an enhanced ...

Sandro and his grandfather in the workshop back in the 90s | Photograph: Family photo

Master Builder

Sandro Reuteler is fourth-generation managing director of Arnold Reuteler Holzbau AG in Grund. Sandro carved time out of his busy schedule to meet with GstaadLife and talk tradition, technology and the importance of sustainability.

Sandro and his grandfather in the workshop back in the 90s | Photograph: Family photo

Master Builder

Sandro Reuteler is fourth-generation managing director of Arnold Reuteler Holzbau AG in Grund. Sandro carved time out of his busy schedule to meet with GstaadLife and talk tradition, technology and the importance of sustainability.

A wonderful example of a well preserved chalet from 1670, in Saanen.

Chalets, somewhere between passion and culture

A chalet is a chalet, isn't it? This question is partially answered by an equally informative, humorous and entertaining exhibition at the Swiss National Library in Bern. Worth a visit for a rainy spring day.

A wonderful example of a well preserved chalet from 1670, in Saanen.

Chalets, somewhere between passion and culture

A chalet is a chalet, isn't it? This question is partially answered by an equally informative, humorous and entertaining exhibition at the Swiss National Library in Bern. Worth a visit for a rainy spring day.

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