Road clearing at Arnenseestrasse

  29.03.2021 Local News

At Primelod in Feutersoey, several huge avalanches had fallen and buried sections of the Arnenseestrasse, among others. A first wet snow avalanche had buried the road only a few hundred metres behind the barrier under the Mülischüpfi.

Aisle instead of tunnel
Whereas in 1970 a tunnel was dug through the snow after a similar event, today's machines are capable of digging a path. First, a long pit was dug into the debris layer by layer before the snowblower could enter the action to completely clear the affected section of the Arnensee road. Two huge walls of snow now mark the roadside.

Step by step
Further up the road, the aqueduct was also buried under the snow. The extent of the damage in this section cannot yet be estimated. "In this case, the sun is doing the groundwork. As soon as the snow will have melted, clearing and, if necessary, repair work will start.

The Mülischüpfi area was a priority to enable farmers to access their pastures in time for spring work. The operation is financed primarily with the income from the toll. The road to Arnensee is not expected to be open for tourists before the end of April.

Based on AvS/Sophia Grasser

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